The Bencher—January/February 2024

Advice for Young Lawyers

Feature Articles

Do You Have Five Minutes?
By Kelly Canavan, Esq., Evan Johnston, Esq., and Sherine Thomas, Esq.—Page 15

Advice to Young Lawyers
By Lauren E. Waddell, Esq.—Page 18

Writing-Focused Mentoring
By Hon. Kem Frost and Jillian Schumacher, Esq.—Page 20

Red Phone, Blue Phone: Advice for New Attorneys
By Aimee Wuthrich—Page 24

Three Tips for Young Attorneys
By Joshua L. Sohn, Esq.—Page 26


Ethics: Litigation Misconduct that Warrants Fee Shifting
By Francis G.X. Pileggi, Esq.—Page 12

Technology: 10 Important Cybersecurity Tips for Lawyers and Judges
By Sharon D. Nelson, Esq., and John W. Simek—Page 30

Regular Features

Inn the News—Page 3
Profiles in ProfessionalismPage 28
Program SpotlightPage 31

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