American Inns of Court Alumni Association

Stay connected with the mission of the American Inns of Court

Our work continues and we invite you to be involved. There are more than 100,000 legal professionals like you who have been a part of this movement, but who are no longer active Inn members.  We want YOU as an involved member of our community.

The American Inns of Court Alumni Association provides alumni members nationwide with the opportunity to strengthen the mission and promote the values of ethics, civility, and excellence in the legal profession.

As a member of the American Inns of Court Alumni Association, you remain connected to the movement through the national organization:

  • Access online CLE-qualified programs on the INNovation Education e-learning platform.
  • Connect with colleagues and learn about other opportunities through the members-only sections of the American Inns of Court website.

Affirm your commitment to the American Inns of Court

There is no charge to become a member of the American Inns of Court Alumni Association.  Simply login and confirm or update your contact information here .  (If you do not recall your password, use the "Forgot password" option to reset it.)  Once logged in, click the "Hi, [first name]" link at the top of the page to access your profile.

Your contributions help to continue the mission

As an Alumni Association member, your contributions to the American Inns of Court provide crucial support to programs that improve advocacy skills and provide scholarship opportunities to help prepare new practitioners for meaningful careers in the law.  Your contribution also supports your former Inn, with 50% of your contribution going DIRECTLY to the Inn. The Inn can use those funds in any way they choose:

  • To provide scholarships for new members or members experiencing financial difficulty
  • To upgrade programs or to invite special guest speakers
  • To keep member dues low

You can make a contribution by credit card using the donation box on this page.

Contribute to the Alumni Association

Alumni Association
If you wish to donate by check, make checks payable to "American Inns of Court", note "Alumni Association", and send to:

American Inns of Court
225 Reinekers Lane
Suite 770
Alexandria, VA 22314