The Bencher—July/August 2023

Dealing with Difficult Situations

Feature Articles

Dealing with ‘Difficult’ Opposing Counsel
By Joseph F. Canamucio, Esq.—Page 22

Civility Is Our Compass to Navigate Difficult Situations
By Douglas J. Cummings Jr., Esq.—Page 24

‘Do They Know They Produced That?’ Legal, Ethical, and Practical Aspects of Inadvertent Disclosures
By Shannon “A.J.” Singleton, Esq., and Amelia Martin Adams, Esq.—Page 26

Navigating the Difficult Personalities You Will Encounter in Your Legal Career
By Alice F. Douglas, Esq., and Nicole R. Moshang, Esq.—Page 29

Top 10 Rules to Stay in Control with Difficult Counsel, Clients, and Situations
By James M. Schildt, Esq.—Page 31


Ethics: Seeking Advice about Compliance with Ethics Rules
By John P. Ratnaswamy, Esq.—Page 21

Technology: Should You Forbid or Encourage the Use of Generative AI by Your Lawyers?
By Sharon D. Nelson, Esq., and John W. Simek—Page 34

Regular Features

Inn the News—Page 3
Profile in ProfessionalismPage 32
Program SpotlightPage 35

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