The Hamilton Misadventure: The Story of Tonight
In the humorous but insightful genre of skits used by Inns in the US, with a cameo appearance by Baroness Hale, former President of the UK Supreme Court, the teams explored the sharp contrast between the ways the sister common law systems view the ethics and professional obligations of lawyer involvement in witness testimony, both before and at trial, and the way witness preparation and credibility plays out so differently as between a judgment in the UK and a jury verdict in the US. The program was presented virtually so that a large number of Inn members could participate, but it was also streamed to live audiences on both sides of the Atlantic. TAIC members gathered in the Board Room of Blank Rome LLP for a lunch and Gray’s Inn members gathered for evening drinks in the Bingham Room at Gray’s Inn itself. The event was enjoyed by all and was a resounding success.

Presented By: The Temple American Inn of Court (30110)

Presented: March, 2022

Topic Areas: British Legal System, Civility, Professionalism, Ethics, Special Projects

Materials: Script, Articles, Fact Pattern, Handouts, and Video

CLE Approval: Approved

State: Pennsylvania, New Jersey

Hours: 1.0

2022 National Program Awards Placement: Best Special Project

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