The nation became enveloped in the show Game of Thrones, which in the land of Earl Warren IOC was understood to be a documentary of the life of famed Queen Daenarys. In this episode, Queen Daenarys, upset about being depicted as a ruthless mass murderer, was resurrected by her attorney, and together they sued the creators of the show/documentary for California Torts (1) Defamation and (2)Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. The audience witnessed the arbitration proceeding that ensued, involving witness testimony from their favorite GOT characters. Attorneys articulated their claims and defenses, and were questioned by the King/arbitrator about the legal foundation of their arguments. Can documentarians be sued for Defamation or IIED? What are the legal hurdles? What about that pesky First Amendment, is that a defense? Does it matter if the individual is a public figure? These queries, and more, were answered in this hilarious and topical performance.

Presented By: The Earl Warren American Inn of Court (30287)

Presented: October, 2019

Topic Areas: Libel, Defamation, First Amendment, Free Speech

Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Script, Citations of Law, Handouts, Video

CLE Approval: Approved

State: California

Hours: 1.0

2020 National Program Awards Placement: First Place

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