Leadership Development

The American Inns of Court is committed to supporting Inn leaders as they endeavor to advance our shared mission and provide their Inn members with a high-quality member experience.

Cultivating effective Inn leaders not only helps to ensure effective Inn management practices, but also results in a positive membership experience for everyone. Our directors of chapter relations provide ongoing guidance and support to Inn leaders, along with relevant leadership tools and resources in a variety of formats. The national office also provides opportunities for Inn leaders to share ideas and connect with each other on ways to manage similar leadership challenges.

Leadership Development Resources:

  • Leadership Handbook—This comprehensive handbook outlines all aspects of Inn management.
  • Leadership Labs—These monthly live virtual sessions are designed to provide concise training on specific Inn management topics, as well as networking opportunities for Inn leaders around the country.
  • Leadership Workshops—In-person luncheons or half-day meetings, facilitated by a director of chapter relations, designed to bring together leaders from multiple Inns to exchange ideas and identify solutions to shared challenges. These customizable sessions are tailored to address multiple topics with agendas developed by local Inn leaders and a director of chapter relations. Contact your director of chapter relations to coordinate a Leadership Workshop in your area.
  • Leadership Networking Breakfast—This networking breakfast is held in conjunction with the Inns of Distinction Gala. Inn leaders from across the country meet with one another to identify the biggest challenges facing the future of the profession and how Inns can be prepared to address those challenges. A summary of the session outcomes is shared in an article in The Bencher and on our website.
  • Inn Leader Orientation—This online resource includes brief videos that provide an overview of the typical responsibilities of common leadership positions on the executive committee, along with links to supporting documents and resources.

Inn leaders are encouraged to take advantage of these leadership development resources and share their thoughts about future leadership topics with their director of chapter relations.
