Sandra Day O'Connor Award Nomination Procedures
Award description:
The American Inns of Court Sandra Day O'Connor Award for Professional Service is awarded each year to an American Inn of Court member in practice ten or fewer years for excellence in public interest or pro bono activities.
Please note: The Nominee must be alive at the time of nomination.
How recipients are selected:
A national committee of the American Inns of Court selects the honoree.
How to submit a nomination:
Nominations may be made by letter, accompanied by the nominee's C.V. or resume, and any appropriate supporting documents. Additional letters of recommendation are encouraged to allow the committee to make a reasoned judgment. Letters may be addressed to Hon. Carl E. Stewart, chair of the AIC Awards Committee.
Where to submit a nomination and materials:
E-mail: Cindy Dennis
American Inns of Court
Attn: Cindy Dennis
225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 770
Alexandria, VA 22314
Deadline for nominations:
Postmarked by June 1
When and where the award is presented:
The award is presented annually each fall at the American Inns of Court Celebration of Excellence at the Supreme Court of the United States.
Call Cindy Dennis, Awards & Scholarships Coordinator at (571) 319-4703 or send Cindy an e-mail.